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Table 58: Costs and Returns for Sweet Corn (Mid to Late Season), Per Acre

Table 58: Costs and Returns for Sweet Corn (Mid to Late Season), Per Acre

Integrated Crop Management, Northeastern United States, 1996

Sweet Corn crt $ 8.40 240 $ 2,016.00
Variable Costs
Apply Calcium Lime ton $ 25.00 0.5 $ 12.50
Cultivating acre $ 7.60 3 $ 22.80
N pound $ 0.24 100 $ 24.00
P pound $ 0.23 80 $ 18.40
K pound $ 0.14 40 $ 5.60
Bladex 4L gallon $ 24.00 0.5 $ 12.00
Dual 8E gallon $ 58.90 0.18 $ 10.60
Asana XL gallon $ 118.00 0.53 $ 62.54
Lannate LV gallon $ 44.00 1.3 $ 57.20
Sevin 80S pound $ 3.78 8.75 $ 33.08
Counter 15G pound $ 1.67 8.7 $ 14.53
Corn Seed
Seed pound $ 7.50 12 $ 90.00
La bor
Operator hour $ 14.48 3.82 $ 55.31
Hand Harvesting acre $ 140.00 1 $ 140.00
Packing and Grading acre $ 140.00 1 $ 140.00
Overhead Irrigation acre $ 192.00 1 $ 192.00
Diesel Fuel
Tractors gallon $ 0.969 10.33 $ 10.00
Repair & Maintenance
Tractors acre $ 5.67 1 $ 5.67
Impl ements acre $ 5.58 1 $ 5.58
Packing Crates crate $ 1.40 240 $ 336.00
Selling Charge gross revenue 3% $ 60.48
Sub-Total $ 1,308.29
Interest on Operating Capitala acre 1 $ 24.88
Total Variable Costs acre 1 $ 1,333.17
Returns Above Variable Costs acre 1 $ 682.83
Fixed Costs
Tractors acre $ 12.28 1 $ 12.28
Implements acre $ 9.98 1 $ 9.98
Land Charge acre $ 100.00 1 $ 100.00
Total Fixed Costs acre 1 $ 122.26
Total Fixed & Variable Costs acre 1 $ 1,455.43
Management Fees a acre 7% 1 $ 94.88
Total Costs acre 1 $ 1,550.31
Net Returns acre 1 $ 465.69

a See text for calculation assumptions.