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Table 49: Costs and Returns for Fresh Market Peaches, Per Acre

Table 49: Costs and Returns for Fresh Market Peaches, Per Acre

Mature Trees – Years 8-20, Integrated Crop Management, Northeastern United States, 1996

< td align=”right” STYLE=”$* #,##0.00_)[semicolon]_($* (#,##0.00)[semicolon]_($* [dquote]-[dquote]??_)[semicolon]_(@_)”> $ 14.48

Peaches lbs $ 0.437 6480 $ 2,831.80
Variable Costs
Apply Calcium Fertilizer ton $ 27.65 0.5 $ 13.63
Lime ton $ 25.00 0.5 $ 12.50
N lb $ 0.26 30 $ 7.80
P lb $ 0.25 30 $ 7.50
K lb $ 0.14 30 $ 4.20
Karmex 80DF lb $ 4.75 0.25 $ 1.19
Sinbar 80W lb $ 25.40 0.25 $ 6.35
Gramaxone Extra gal $ 31.50 0 .1 $ 2.95
90% Sulphur lb $ 0.25 67.5 $ 14.85
Bravo 720 gal $ 49.95 0.38 $ 18.73
Captan 50 W lb $ 2.75 18.75 $ 51.56
Orbit 41.8L oz $ 4.06 4 $ 16.24
Topsin-M 85WDG lb $ 15.95 1 $ 15.95
Guthion 50W lb $ 8.35 2 $ 16.70
Imidan 70W lb $ 5.95 3.5 $ 20.82
Lannate 90SP lb $ 18.20 0.75 $ 13.65
Lorsban 4E gal $ 47.10 1.38 $ 64.76
Sevin 50W lb $ 3.40 4 $ 13.60
Operator hour 5.72 $ 82.83
Thinning hr $ 7.00 0.5 $ 3.62
Pruning tree $ 1.00 141 $ 141.00
Harvesting bushel $ 1.50 170 $ 255.00
Drip Irrigation acre $ 250.00 1 $ 250.00
Diesel Fuel
Tractors gallon $ 0.969 13.19 $ 12.78
Repair & Maintenance
Tractors acre $ 7.00 1 $ 7.00
Equipment acre $ 6.90 1 $ 6.90
Bee Rental hive $ 25.00 1 $ 25.00
Marketing Costs
Picking Boxes box $ 1.50 170 $ 255.00
Packaging per box $ 2.00 170 $ 340.00
Cool Storage bushel $ 0.37 170 $ 62.90
Selling Charge gross receipts 6% $ 169.86
Sub-Total $ 1,745.01
Interest on Operating Capitala 10% $ 50.61
Total Variable Costs $ 1,795.62
Returns Above Variable Costs $ 1,036.18
Fixed Costs
Tractors acre $ 14.15 1 $ 14.15
Implements acre $ 12.40 1 $ 12.40
Land Charge acre $ 100.00 1 $ 100.00
Preproduction Cost Allocationb acre $ 753.00 $ 753.00
Total Fixed Costs $ 879.55
Total Fixed & Variable Costs $ 2,675.17
Management Feesa 7% $ 180.26
Total Costs $ 2,855.43
Net Returns $ (23.63)

aSee text for calculation assumptions.
b See Appendix Table A2