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Table 46: Costs and Returns for Fresh Market Apples, Per Acre

Table 46: Costs and Returns for Fresh Market Apples, Per Acre

Mature Trees – Years 8-20, Integrated Crop Management, Northeastern United States, 1996

Receipts     & nbsp;  
Apples lbs $ 0.22 14,600 $ 3,212.00
Variable Costs
Lime ton $ 25.00 0.5 $ 12.50
N lb $ 0.26 20 $ 5.20
P lb $ 0.25 30 $ 7.50
K lb $ 0.14 30 $ 4.20
Calcium Chloride lb $ 0.25 30 $ 7.50
Princep 80W lb $ 3.30 0.5 $ 1.65
Solicam DF lb $ 17.20 0.5 $ 8.60
Gramaxone Extra gal $ 31.50 0.09 $ 2.95
Captan 50W lb $ 2.75 21 $ 57.75
Dithane 75DF lb $ 2.78 21 $ 58.38
Topsin-M 85WDG lb $ 15.95 1 $ 15.95
Nova 40W lb $ 63.44 1.5 $ 95.16
Guthion 50W lb $ 8.35 3.75 $ 31.31
Lorsban 4E gal $ 47.10 0.25 $ 11.77
Lorsban 50W lb $ 6.85 4 $ 27.40
Superior Oil gal $ 5.54 4 $ 22.16
Penncap-M gal $ 23.50 0.44 $ 10.28
Omite 30W lb $ 5.40 3 $ 16.20
Lannate 90SP lb $ 18.20 0.5 $ 9.10
Carzol SP lb $ 34.00 0.5 $ 17.00
Operator hour $ 14.48 4.75 $ 68.78
T hinning hr $ 7.24 0.5 $ 3.62
Pruning tree $ 1.00 272 $ 272.00
Harvesting bushel $ 1.30 348 $ 452.40
Irrigation &nb sp;
Drip Irrigation acre $ 250.00 1 $ 250.00
Diesel Fuel
Tractors gallon $ 0.969 17.71 $ 17.16
Repair & Maintenance
Tractors acre $ 8.34 1 $ 8.34
Equipment acre $ 7.20 1 $ 7.20
Bee Rental hive $ 25.00 1 $ 25.00
Fruitone N lb $ 24.95 1 $ 24.95
Marketing Costs
Field bins bins $ 4.75 4 $ 19.00
Cool storage bushel $ 0.25 348 $ 87.00
Selling charges gross receipts 6% $ 192.72
Sub-Total $ 1,850.73
Interest on Operating Capitala acre 10% 1 $ 35.10
Total Variable Costs acre 1 $ 1,885.83
Returns Above Variable Costs acre 1 $ 1,326.17
(Continued on next page)
Fixed Costs
Tractors acre $ 23.00 1 $ 23.00
Implements acre $ 10.00 1 $ 10.00
Land Charge acre $ 100.00 1 $ 100.00
Preproduction Cost Allocationb acre $ 868.44 1 $ 868.44
Total Fixed Costs acre 1 $ 1,001.44
Total Fixed & Variable Costs acre 1 $ 2,887.27
Management Feesa acre 7% 1 $ 195.11
Total Costs acre 1 $ 3,082. 38
Net Returns acre 1 $ 129.62

aSee text for calculation assumptions.
bSee Appendix Table A1.