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Table 31: Costs and Returns for Snap Bean, Per Acre

Table 31: Costs and Returns for Snap Bean, Per Acre

Conventional Production Practices, Northeastern United States, 1996

Snap Beans crt $ 10.02 133 $ 1,333.00
Variable Costs
Apply Calcium Lime ton $ 27.65 1 $ 27.65
Soil Test acre $ 1.00 1 $ 1.00
N lb $ 0.32 60 $ 19.20
P lb $ 0.32 60 $ 19.20
K lb $ 0.14 60 $ 8.40
Imazethapyr (Pursuit) oz $ 15.40 0.75 $ 11.55
Dual 8E gallon $ 64.66 0.25 $ 16.17
Bravo 720 gallon $ 51.80 0.4 $ 20.72
Ridomil Gold gallon $ 160.00 0.19 $ 60.00
Be nlate 50W lb $ 15.80 1 $ 15.80
Topsin M lb< /td> $ 17.50 0.75 $ 13.13
Thimet 20G lb $ 2.05 5.75 $ 11.79
Asana XL gallon $ 132.00 0.3 $ 39. 60
Dimethoate #4 gallon $ 34.66 0.125 $ 4.33
Sevin 80S lb $ 4.45 1.25 $ 5.56
Ort hene 75S lb $ 12.00 1 $ 12.00
Other &nbs p;
Snap Bean Seed lb $ 1.00 80 $ 80.00
Operator hour $ 14.48 5.11 $ 73.99
Harvesting acre $ 45.00 1 $ 45.00
Grading and Packing acre $ 30.00 1 $ 30.00
Overhead Irrigation Operating Costs acre $ 192.00 1 $ 192.00
Diesel Fuel
Tractors gallon $ 0.969 9.37 $ 9.08
Repair & Maintenance
Tractors acre $ 21.89 1 $ 21.89
Equipment acre $ 11.52 1 $ 11.52
Marketing Costs
Packing Boxes box $ 1.00 133 $ 133.00
Vineland Selling Charge gross revenue 3% $ 39.99
Sub-Total $ 922.57
Int erest on Operating Capitala acre 10% 1 $ 21.29
Total Variable Costs acre 1 $ 943.86
Returns Above Variable Costs acre 1 $ 389.14
Fixed Costs
Tractors acre $ 5.89 1 $ 5.89
Implements acre $ 17.68 1 $ 17.68
Land Charge acre $ 100.00 1 $ 100.00
Total Fixed Costs acre 1 $ 123.57
Total Fixed & Variable Costs acre 1 $ 1,067.43
Managemen t Feesa acre 7% 1 $ 58.41
Total Costs acre 1 $ 1,125.84
Net Returns acre 1 $ 207.16

a See text for calculation assumptions.