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Table 21: Costs and Returns for Blueberries, Per Acre

Table 21: Costs and Returns for Blueberries, Per Acre

Mature Bushes – Years 6-20, Conventional Production Practices, Northeastern United States, 1996

Blueberries lb $ 0.971 6500 $ 6,311.50
Variable Costs
Fert ilizer
N lb $ 0.32 150 $ 48.00
P lb $ 0.32 60 $ 19.20
K lb $ 0.14 60 $ 8.40
Sinbar 80W lb $ 24.65 2.5 $ 61.63
Karmex lb $ 4.36 2.5 $ 10.90
Benlate 50 W lb $ 15.80 1 $ 15.80
Funginex gallon $ 84.70 0.4 $ 31.76
Lime Sulphur gallon $ 4.35 5 $ 21.75
Captan 80W lb $ 4.10 5 $ 20.50
Imid an 70W lb $ 5.95 1.3 $ 7.74
Lannate LV gallon $ 2.25 8 $ 18.00
Malathion 25WP lb $ 29.18 0.4 $ 10.94
Sevin 50W lb $ 3.15 3 $ 9.45
Guthion 50W lb $ 8.10 2 $ 16.20
Bee Rental hive $ 25.00 2 $ 50.00
Operator hour $ 14.48 5.64 $ 81.67
Regular Hired hour $ 10.13 0.14 $ 1.42
Hand Labor (Pruning) hour $ 10.13 36 $ 364.68
Blueberry Harvest (Pickers) lb $ 0.35 6500 $ 2,275.00
Marketing hour 7.24 8 57.92
Operating Costs acre $ 200.00 1 $ 200.00
Diesel Fuel
Tractors gallon $ 0.969 12.31 $ 11.92
Repair & Maintenance
Tractors acre $ 24.23 1 $ 24.23
Implements acre $ 3.65 1 $ 3.65
Picking Containers doz $ 0.30 542 $ 162.60
Packing Crates crate $ 0.50 542 $ 271.00
Cellophane and Rubber Bands $ 0.02 6500 $ 130.00
Selling Charges gross rev enue 9% $ 568.00
Sub-Total $ 4,502.36
(Continued on next page)
Interest on Operating Capitala acre 10% 1 $ 54.14
Total Variable Costs acre 1 $ 4,556.50
Returns Above Variable Costs acre 1 $ 1,755.00
Fixed Costs
Tractors acre $ 16.19 1 $ 38.87
Im plements acre $ 5.50 1 $ 5.50
Land Charge acre $ 100.00 1 $ 100.00
Preproduction Cost Allocationb acre $ 1,041.96 1 $ 1,041.96
Total Fixed Costs acre 1 $ 1,186.33
Total Fixed & Variable Costs acre 1 $ 5,742.83
Management Fees a acre 7% 1 $ 355.59
Total Costs acre 1 $ 6,098.42
Net Returns acre 1 $ 213.08

a See text for calculation assumptions.
bSee Appendix Table A3.