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Table 6: Costs and Returns for White Potato, Per Acre

Table 6: Costs and Returns for White Potato, Per Acre

Conventional Production Practices, Northeastern United States, 1996

Potatoes cwt $ 5.40 270 $ 1,458.00
Variable Costs
Apply Calcium Fertilizer ton $ 27.65 0.5 $ 13.83
Soil Test acre $ 1.00 1 $ 1.00
N pound $ 0.32 200 $ 64.00
P pound $ 0.32 150 $ 48.00
K pound $ 0.14 150 $ 21.00
Diquat gal $ 80.28 0.25 $ 20.07
Dual 8E gal $ 65.00 0.25 $ 16.25
Roundup Ultra gal $ 54.00 0.5 $ 27.00
Sencor 75DF pound $ 26.50 0.66 $ 17.49
Bravo 720 gal $ 51.80 0. 5 $ 25.90
Manzate 200 pound $ 3.05 14 $ 42.70
Tops Potato Dust pound $ 2.35 20 $ 47.00
Dyfonate 4E gal $ 53.00 1 $ 53.00
Guthion 2S gal $ 35.70 0.19 $ 6.71
Monitor 4E gal $ 76.00 0.25 $ 19.00 < /td>
Admire gal $ 525.00 0.13 $ 65.63
Sevin XLR gal $ 25.44 0.13 $ 3.18
Sticker/Spreader oz $ 0.22 32 $ 7.04
Surfactant oz $ 0.14 16 $ 2.24
Potato Seed cwt $ 11.00 20 $ 220.00
Operator hour $ 14.48 5.85 $ 84.71
Regular Hired hour $ 10.13 12 $ 121.56
Seasonal Hired (Cut seed) hour $ 7.24 2 $ 14.48
Diesel Fuel
Tractors gallon $ 0.969 24.69 $ 23.92
Repair & Maintenance
Tractors acre $ 11.05 1 $ 1 1.05
Implements acre $ 64.22 1 $ 64.22
Sub-Total $ 1,040.98
Interest on Op erating Capitala acre 10% 1 $ 30.19
Total Variable Costs acre 1 $ 1,071.17
(Continued on next page)
Returns Above Variable Costs acre 1 $ 386.83
Fixed Costs
Tractors acre $ 32.72 1 $ 32.72
Implements acre $ 106.11 1 $ 106.11
Land Charge acre $ 50.00 1 $ 50.00
Total Fixed Costs acre 1 $ 188.83
Total Fixed & Variable Costs acre 1 $ 1,260.00
Management Fees a acre 7% 1 $ 84.70
Total Costs acre 1 $ 1,344.70
Net Returns acre 1 $ 113.30

a See text for calculation assumptio ns.